Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Are We In The Clear??

Is spring finally here?? Oh how I'm hoping so!! The snow is gone, woohoo! This past weekend was beautiful, and it helped Project Snow Melt quite nicely. The weather people were calling for rain this afternoon but it's still quite nice out!

We're crossing fingers that things work out as soccer season has started and Kamryn is so excited. She is such a sporty girl and I'm still trying to figure out where that came from?? Not me, that's for sure.

Summer seems so much closer than before and we've been planning our trek back to Winnipeg. The girls are already excited. Kamryn has all kinds of plans of what she'd like to do. Morgyn will spend part of the time with her Dad/Step-Mom and 3 other sisters. My Mom and nephews are going to drive back to Edmonton with is for a couple of weeks. Bruce is excited as he hasn't seen my nephews in 2 years. It sucks when your hubby can't travel with you and doesn't get to come on vacation.

But you know what, next year he does! Yippeeeee.

Bruce switched jobs and started working in the city almost 2 months ago. This lead to him being home every night, a big change from being gone 6 mights out of 7 on the road. Now he is dispatching and not driving at all, which is a big change for him. He drove semi-trucks for 23 years. But being home every night has been good, we're not killing each other yet (he he he we're both really to passive for that anyways).

Anyways off to pick Kamryn uo from school and enjoy the sun!


Wendster said...

I am so glad for you that you are getting lovely warm weather.

And how nice that your husband gets to see his family and they get to see him too! And soon able to vacation with the family as well! Wonderful!

Winnipeg. I am glad! Because when YOU go on a trip, all of us in blog land get to take the trip with you because you post photos of it!!!

Just mail food samples (you know .. ice cream and such) to Wendster. ha.

Anonymous said...

We've got spring again too - isn't it great? We're supposed to get rain now for a few days.

How nice that Bruce is home more now!

Anonymous said...

I hope you keep having warmer temperatures. Congrats to your hubby on his new job. I'm sure it's so great for you and your girls to have him home more. When are the kids out of school? Are you leaving for Winnipeg just after?

Anonymous said...

Yay for the new job! I am glad all is well there and that the weather is improving!

Overwhelmed! said...

Hooray for warm weather! I just love spring!

Glad to hear that your husband is home more now.

Wendster said...

Here's a paper plate for everyone.

It's for the bbq at my house. We are having faux (donut) chicken and then we are going to Wade's for chocolate cake. Cuz we don't care too much about our diets tonight. LOL!

Come on over if you get a minute.

You are invited!


Wendster said...

Thanks for coming over to play.

I'm looking forward to your next post.

